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This assignment addresses Course Learning Objectives 4 and 5 – Apply the tools provided by professional organizations to explore current legislative issues and industry data, and Describe the impact of current issues affecting segments within the hospitality industry.

You will be creating a PowerPoint Slide deck (no narration required) consisting of five slides – a title slide and an informational slide for each of the following industry segments – Foodservice/Restaurant, Lodging/Hotel, Travel/Tourism, and Event Planning.
The title slide should include at minimum your name, the title of the assignment, and the due date.
For each of the industry segment slides, the content required is as follows:
Include the industry segment as a title on the slide
Identify an industry association that advocates for that particular industry – list the name of the industry association
Find the “advocacy”, “issues”, or “data” page for that particular association – it may or may not be called by one of those names. Post a link to that page.
Identify and briefly summarize ONE issue or statistical information the association is highlighting on that page. Explain why that issue is important to the industry and why it could impact society beyond just that industry. 3 to 5 sentences is enough.
The goal is to ensure you are familiar with industry associations, how they advocate for and provide important industry statistics for their membership. Be sure the link you are providing leads to the issue you are highlighting.
Keep in mind that while you are not presenting with narration, you should design your slides with visual appeal in mind. These will be “wordier” than slides in an actual presentation would be, but they should be designed to be balanced and have a professional appearance.
AI Policy:
AI policy: For this assignment, the submission itself MUST be your own original creation – all text must be original and NOT generated by AI.
AI tools may be used to formulate ideas for the flow or even to generate pictures you embed into the slide deck. Remember, any use of AI must be cited properly.
AI is not a valid academic source, so any “facts” it generates for you should be researched and validated.
If you utilize AI for any part of this assignment, be sure you keep all the “prompts” you gave to the AI generation tool – keep the entire transcriipt to submit if your instructor asks for it. The final product should be quite different than what AI generates for you – AI is a tool to help you, not to create the submission for you.
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Rubric Name: HOSP100 Week 6 Industry Associations V2
Did Not Attempt
Criterion Score
Completeness of Required Content
20 points
All required information is included. Slide deck includes a title slide and 4 content slides, one for each industry segment.
Each of the four required elements for each segment are included in the slide deck.
17 points
Most required information is included. Slide deck includes a title slide and 4 content slides, one for each industry segment.
One or two of the the four required elements for each segment is missing OR there are fewer than four segment slides.
15 points
Some required information is included. Slide deck includes a title slide and 4 content slides, one for each industry segment.
More than two of the the four required elements for each segment is missing OR there are fewer than four segment slides.
13 points
There are fewer than three segments identified and each of the slides is missing content information.
0 points
The slide deck was not aligned to the assignment.
Score of Completeness of Required Content,/ 20
Analysis and Content
15 points
The content for every slide is accurate for that industry segment. A valid link to the industry’s advocacy or issues page is included. One issue or statistical data point is summarized using original thought and is a valid summary of the identified issue.
12.75 points
The content for ONE slide is not entirely accurate for each industry segment. OR A valid link to the industry’s advocacy or issues page is not included. OR One issue or statistical data point is not summarized using original thought or is not a valid summary of the identified issue.
11.25 points
The content for more than one but fewer than three slides is not entirely accurate for each industry segment. OR A valid link to the industry’s advocacy or issues page is not included on two slides. OR One issue or statistical data point is not summarized using original thought or is not a valid summary of the identified issue on two slides.
9.75 points
The information three or more slides is not complete or is not accurate.
0 points
There is little attempt to provide the required information for each industry segment.
Score of Analysis and Content,/ 15
15 points
Student thoroughly understands and excels in explaining all major points. An original, unique, and/or imaginative approach to overall ideas, concepts, and findings is presented. Overall format of the slide deck follows a cohesive design and pattern of organization.
12.75 points
Student explains the majority of points and concepts in the assignment. Learner demonstrates a good skill level in formatting and organizing material in assignment. There is some inconsistency in design and pattern of organization for the slide deck.
11.25 points
Learner applies some points and concepts incorrectly. Student uses a variety of formatting styles, with some inconsistencies throughout the paper. Slide deck does not have a continuous pattern of logical sequencing or a cohesive appearance.
9.75 points
Assignment reveals formatting errors and a lack of organization.
0 points
Assignment lacks organization and cannot be followed.
Score of Organization,/ 15
15 points
Background and text are effectively used to present material without detracting from overall professional appearance and balance. Note these slides will be “wordier” than a typical presentation but content should be accurate, using proper spelling and grammar.
12.75 points
Background and text are effectively used to present material, but some choices of graphics or balance detract from overall professional appearance and balance. There are one or two errors in spelling or grammar.
11.25 points
The choice of background and text detract from the overall professionalism of the slide deck. Improvement in balance of visual presentation is recommended. Two to four spelling or grammatical errors are noted.
9.75 points
The slide deck lacks professionalism in appearance and content. Balance between background and text must be improved. More than four spelling and grammatical errors are noted.
0 points
The slide deck is not clear and has no visual design elements incorporated.
Score of Style,/ 15
Source Selection
10 points
A valid industry association that advocates for their members is identified for each of the four segments. This is not a company within the segment, but a valid professional industry association.
8.5 points
A valid industry association that advocates for their members is identified for three of the four segments. These are not companies within the segment, but are valid professional industry associations.
7.5 points
A valid industry association that advocates for their members is identified for two of the four segments. These are not companies within the segment, but are valid professional industry associations.
6.5 points
A valid industry association that advocates for their members is identified for only one of the four segments.
0 points
None of the organizations identified are industry associations or there are no organizations noted.
Score of Source Selection,/ 10
Applied Learning ILO-AL.A.2
5 points
Student uses appropriate evidence to address a course-related question or question of practice on an assigned research topic. The student demonstrates a high level of knowledge of competing hypotheses in answering the question.
4.25 points
Student uses appropriate evidence to address a course-related question or question of practice on an assigned research topic. The student demonstrates an appropriate level of knowledge of competing hypotheses in answering the question.
3.75 points
Student uses evidence to address a course-related question or question of practice on an assigned research topic. The student uses some inappropriate evidence or shows some confusion about competing hypotheses in answering the question.
3.25 points
Student addresses a course-related question or question of practice on an assigned research topic but uses inappropriate or unrelated evidence. The student does not adequately discuss and examine competing hypotheses in answering the question.
0 points
Not addressed
Score of Applied Learning ILO-AL.A.2,/ 5
Intellectual Skills ILO-IS.A.2
5 points
Student (1) describes a specific case of application of academic knowledge to a real life challenge, (2) evaluates the learning gained, and (3) analyzes a concept or method from the course of study in light of learning from outside the classroom. The student does all three of the above with significant insight and self reflection.
4.25 points
Student (1) describes a specific case of application of academic knowledge to a real life challenge, (2) evaluates the learning gained, and (3) analyzes a concept or method from the course of study in light of learning from outside the classroom. The student shows the ability to make connections between academic and outside learning.
3.75 points
Student completes two of the following three at a high level (1) describes a specific case of application of academic knowledge to a real life challenge, (2) evaluates the learning gained, and (3) analyzes a concept or method from the course of study in light of learning from outside the classroom. Alternatively, the student may complete all three areas but with significant errors or failures of insight.
3.25 points
Student does not adequately describe a specific case of application of academic knowledge to a real life challenge, (2) evaluate the learning gained, and/or (3) analyze a concept or method from the course of study in light of learning from outside the classroom.
0 points
Not addressed
Score of Intellectual Skills ILO-IS.A.2,/ 5
Broad Integrated Skills ILO-BI.A.2
5 points
Student examines key debates in the field and in society, and describes various perspectives and how they relate to the topic.
4.25 points
Student describes and examines perspectives on key debates and appropriately relates them to the topic.
3.75 points
Student describes differing perspectives, but struggles to relate them to key debates in the field and in society.
3.25 points
Student cannot describe or examine perspectives on key debates, but may be able to name or discuss some aspects of their relationship to the topic.
0 points

ILO-BI.A.2 Not addressed
Score of Broad Integrated Skills ILO-BI.A.2,/ 5
Specialized Knowledge ILO-SK.B.3
5 points
Student demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies, and methods in the field in creative or innovative ways.
4.25 points
Student demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies, and methods in the field in creative or innovative ways.
3.75 points
Student demonstrates fluency in some but not all of the following areas in the field: tools, technology, and methods.
3.25 points
Student does not demonstrate fluency in one or more of the following areas: tools, technology, and methods. Student may use appropriate tools, technology, and methods, but does not demonstrate fluency.
0 points
Not addressed
Score of Specialized Knowledge ILO-SK.B.3,/ 5
Broad Integrative Skills ILO-BI.A.5
5 points
Student assembles evidence that elucidates a problem, discusses why it is significant, and uses it appropriately in analysis.
4.25 points
Student assembles evidence that is relevant to problems, describes the significance, and uses it appropriately in analysis.
3.75 points
Student assembles evidence that shows some connection to problems, but may not be able to describe the significance and/or use it appropriately in analysis.
3.25 points
Student assembles inadequate evidence for a problem or does not adequately describe the significance or use it in analysis.
0 points
Not addressed
Score of Broad Integrative Skills ILO-BI.A.5,/ 5
Score of HOSP100 Week 6 Industry Associations V2,/ 100

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